The Tally contract is used during votes tallying
and by users to verify the tally results.
The commitment to the tally results. Its initial value is 0, but after
the tally of each batch is proven on-chain via a zk-SNARK, it should be
updated to:
hashLeftRight(merkle root of current results, salt0)
hashLeftRight(number of spent voice credits, salt1),
hashLeftRight(merkle root of the no. of spent voice credits per vote option, salt2)
Where each salt is unique and the merkle roots are of arrays of leaves
TREE_ARITY ** voteOptionTreeDepth long.
contract IVerifier verifier
contract IVkRegistry vkRegistry
contract IMessageProcessor messageProcessor
error ProcessingNotComplete()
custom errors
error InvalidTallyVotesProof()
error AllBallotsTallied()
error NumSignUpsTooLarge()
error BatchStartIndexTooLarge()
error TallyBatchSizeTooLarge()
constructor(address _verifier, address _vkRegistry, address _poll, address _mp) public payable
Create a new Tally contract
Name | Type | Description |
_verifier | address | The Verifier contract |
_vkRegistry | address | The VkRegistry contract |
_poll | address | The Poll contract |
_mp | address | The MessageProcessor contract |
function genTallyVotesPackedVals(uint256 _numSignUps, uint256 _batchStartIndex, uint256 _tallyBatchSize) public pure returns (uint256 result)
Pack the batch start index and number of signups into a 100-bit value.
Name | Type | Description |
_numSignUps | uint256 | |
_batchStartIndex | uint256 | |
_tallyBatchSize | uint256 | |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
result | uint256 | an uint256 representing the 3 inputs packed together |
function isTallied() public view returns (bool tallied)
Check if all ballots are tallied
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
tallied | bool | whether all ballots are tallied |
function genTallyVotesPublicInputHash(uint256 _numSignUps, uint256 _batchStartIndex, uint256 _tallyBatchSize, uint256 _newTallyCommitment) public view returns (uint256 inputHash)
generate hash of public inputs for tally circuit
Name | Type | Description |
_numSignUps | uint256 | |
_batchStartIndex | uint256 | |
_tallyBatchSize | uint256 | |
_newTallyCommitment | uint256 | |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
inputHash | uint256 | hash of public inputs |
function updateSbCommitment() public
Update the state and ballot root commitment
function tallyVotes(uint256 _newTallyCommitment, uint256[8] _proof) public
Verify the result of a tally batch
Name | Type | Description |
_newTallyCommitment | uint256 | the new tally commitment to be verified |
_proof | uint256[8] | the proof generated after tallying this batch |
function verifyTallyProof(uint256[8] _proof, uint256 _numSignUps, uint256 _batchStartIndex, uint256 _tallyBatchSize, uint256 _newTallyCommitment) public view returns (bool isValid)
Verify the tally proof using the verifying key
Name | Type | Description |
_proof | uint256[8] | the proof generated after processing all messages |
_numSignUps | uint256 | number of signups for a given poll |
_batchStartIndex | uint256 | the number of batches multiplied by the size of the batch |
_tallyBatchSize | uint256 | batch size for the tally |
_newTallyCommitment | uint256 | the tally commitment to be verified at a given batch index |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
isValid | bool | whether the proof is valid |
function computeMerkleRootFromPath(uint8 _depth, uint256 _index, uint256 _leaf, uint256[][] _pathElements) internal pure returns (uint256 current)
Compute the merkle root from the path elements
and a leaf
Name | Type | Description |
_depth | uint8 | the depth of the merkle tree |
_index | uint256 | the index of the leaf |
_leaf | uint256 | the leaf |
_pathElements | uint256[][] | the path elements to reconstruct the merkle root |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
current | uint256 | The merkle root |
function verifySpentVoiceCredits(uint256 _totalSpent, uint256 _totalSpentSalt, uint256 _resultCommitment, uint256 _perVOSpentVoiceCreditsHash) public view returns (bool isValid)
Verify the number of spent voice credits from the tally.json
Name | Type | Description |
_totalSpent | uint256 | spent field retrieved in the totalSpentVoiceCredits object |
_totalSpentSalt | uint256 | the corresponding salt in the totalSpentVoiceCredit object |
_resultCommitment | uint256 | hashLeftRight(merkle root of the results.tally, results.salt) in tally.json file |
_perVOSpentVoiceCreditsHash | uint256 | hashLeftRight(merkle root of the no spent voice credits per vote option, salt) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
isValid | bool | Whether the provided values are valid |
function verifyPerVOSpentVoiceCredits(uint256 _voteOptionIndex, uint256 _spent, uint256[][] _spentProof, uint256 _spentSalt, uint8 _voteOptionTreeDepth, uint256 _spentVoiceCreditsHash, uint256 _resultCommitment) public view returns (bool isValid)
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
isValid | bool | Whether the provided proof is valid |
function verifyTallyResult(uint256 _voteOptionIndex, uint256 _tallyResult, uint256[][] _tallyResultProof, uint256 _tallyResultSalt, uint8 _voteOptionTreeDepth, uint256 _spentVoiceCreditsHash, uint256 _perVOSpentVoiceCreditsHash) public view returns (bool isValid)
Verify the result generated from the tally.json
Name | Type | Description |
_voteOptionIndex | uint256 | the index of the vote option to verify the correctness of the tally |
_tallyResult | uint256 | Flattened array of the tally |
_tallyResultProof | uint256[][] | Corresponding proof of the tally result |
_tallyResultSalt | uint256 | the respective salt in the results object in the tally.json |
_voteOptionTreeDepth | uint8 | depth of the vote option tree |
_spentVoiceCreditsHash | uint256 | hashLeftRight(number of spent voice credits, spent salt) |
_perVOSpentVoiceCreditsHash | uint256 | hashLeftRight(merkle root of the no spent voice credits per vote option, perVOSpentVoiceCredits salt) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
isValid | bool | Whether the provided proof is valid |